Goodreads Giveaway, plus more…

So my Goodreads Giveaway for ‘Year of Living Blonde’ is finally live. It was supposed to run from July 2-9, but I didn’t get the approval until July 5th! I submitted a week before the requested day, but will submit much earlier for the next one. This is my first giveaway, so I’m still learning the ropes. And because this giveaway only winds up being four days long, I’ll for sure run another one later in the summer.

Happily, I got my first edits back for ‘Return of the Jerk’ from Hot Tree Editing on Friday. Kristin Scearce edited the book and right away I could see her edits are fantastic. She did a great job and caught a lot of errors. She also told me she LOVED the book and gave it a five star rating on Goodreads! Thank you Kristin!

We went away for the weekend and I was forbidden (yes, forbidden!) by my husband to bring my computer along. He knows me too well and knows I wouldn’t be able to resist starting work on the edits. We stayed at a hotel in downtown Seattle and pretended to be tourists. It was a lot of fun though the heat was crazy, not to mention the swarm of real tourists. It was actually difficult to walk in some places there were so many people. We mostly went to Pike Place Market and wandered around there. I used to hang out at the Market a lot when I was younger and still have a soft spot for it. (And like Declan, from ‘Fire Down Below’, I wouldn’t mind owning one of those amazing condos overlooking the Market!) My younger son adores the gross Gum Wall. For those of you not familiar with this, the Gum Wall is an area right under the Pike Place Market that is covered with mass amounts of chewing gum. (Fun fact: Many years ago my husband briefly worked at the Market Theater whose outside walls make up the infamous Gum Wall.) Being there in the 90 degree heat on Saturday it also smelled strongly of spearmint and bubblegum. Oddly, not a bad smell, despite the grossness!

Gum Wall

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