Goodreads Giveaway ends, but stay tuned for another…

2015-07-15 23.34.08-1My first Goodreads Giveaway ended a few days ago and I sent out a signed copy of ‘Year of Living Blonde’. Congratulations to the lucky winner! As I mentioned in a previous post I hit a small snag in my giveaway in that it only ran four days, instead of the full week I intended. The good news is I was hoping to get maybe 500 people to sign up and I had over a thousand! Color me surprised! Plus over 500 people added the book to their ‘to-reads’, so that was fantastic as well. I’ll definitely be doing another giveaway this summer.

As some of you may have noticed, I’ve started to remodel my website. I was having some problems with my other site and finally decided to start from scratch. The theme I used wasn’t being supported on WordPress anymore and as a result I couldn’t get my site to look good on any mobile device. I kept trying to fix it, but then finally realized it was pointless. When I picked the theme for my last site I chose one that was “pretty”. Well, lesson learned! Pretty ain’t all that. My new theme isn’t as pretty, but it has hidden depths. Lots of them. It’s called Customizr and as far as I can tell it has a huge amount of support behind it. I know I could hire to someone to create the site for me, but I enjoy doing it myself. (Translation: I am a complete control freak.)


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